Monday, August 29, 2016

"Walk The Plank": lyrics and track to practice at home.

If you’re thinking of the future,
And you’d like a life of ease,
If you’d like to make a fortune ‘fore you’re through,
If you’ve ever had a hankering
To sail the seven seas,
Then a pirate’s life is just the life for you.
Yo ho ho! Buccaneering you must go,
If you’d like to make a fortune ‘fore you’re through.
If you’d like a life of pleasure,
Mix in treasure for good measure,
Then a pirate's life is just the life for you!
Hook: (Spoken) Greetings, you dour dollop of doleful dimwits! Because I am a generous Hook, I hereby give you prisoners a choice. Walk the plank... or join our merry pirate crew!
If you choose to be a pirate it's a choice you won't regret.
You'll have rubies and doubloons to fill the bank.
Be the scourge of all the oceans, yes the choice is up to you.
Bit if you say no, you'll have to walk the plank.
Yo ho ho! Buccaneering you must go!
So you might as well make up a mind to sign.
If you’d like a share of plunder,
If you care for blood and thunder,
Simply step right up and sign the dotted line!

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