Thursday, June 2, 2016

Audition Materials Songs

For the main cast auditions in August you will need to select one of the following songs from "Peter Pan" to sing clearly and in-tune. This is a musical with lot's of singing for the lead cast members. Practice makes perfect!

"The Elegant Captain Hook" (Track Two on link)
You're there on a ship, the pirate ship of gallant Captain Hook!
He's only the cruelest man who ever was a crook!
You have to sing yo ho! yo ho! And sing it whenever you come or go,
'Cause that's the only song we know,
That pirates sing on ships:
Yo ho! Yo Ho!
Yo ho! Yo Ho!
Each story Wendy can tell  is better than one in a book,
Of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and the elegant Captain Hook,
The world's most famous crook.
Our favourite place in the world is Never Neverland
Where kids and indians play at war
And mermaids frolic near the shore
And every single night,
Hook and Peter fight!

What Makes the Brave Man Brave
Hana Mana Ganda, Hana Mana Ganda! 
(Hana Mana Ganda Hana Mana Ganda)        
What makes the brave man brave? (Hana Mana Ganda)              
What makes the brave man brave? (Hana Mana Ganda)              
Native folks get plenty scared
Just as other people do,
But we found quicker than running away
Is simply just run through!                            
      (Hana Mana Ganda)                        
Why do the brave men dance? (Hana Mana Ganda)                   
Sing to the stars and dance?  (Hana Mana Ganda)                      
Native people learned that when you
Tell stars what to do, 
They’ll accomplish any task
As long as it’s through you.                                   
Hana Mana Ganda! (Hana Mana Ganda)  
Hana Mana Ganda! (Hana Mana Ganda)                                     
We’ll translate for you                                 

Hana means “our tribe”   
Mana means "best"                             
Ganda means “other tribes too”                    
Hana Mana Ganda!                                     
Hana Mana Ganda!                                    
That makes the brave ones brave! 
That makes the brave ones brave!
Tiger Lily: I know you helped save me.
Wendy: Why do boys take the credit for everything?

There are some boys like that, true, All to proud of what they do.
Taking credit wherever they can, 
But if glory they don't share, don't be silent and stare.
Tell 'em quick, tell 'em true of the noble things in you.
Not just boys are fighters. Not just boys are strong.
Got to keep inside your heart this ancient native song.
No one can make you feel small unless you agree to feel small.
What makes the brave girl brave? What makes the brave girl brave?
Native girls know many boys have pride so big it burst!
Just remind him what he did, a girl no doubt did first!

Hana Mana Ganda (Hana Mana Ganda)                                         
Words we sing with pride.                                
Hana means “strength.”
Mana means "best"                                    
Rest you can decide                                      
Now you got it right from the                            
Chief here,                                                    
Each secret sacred belief here                         

The honour with which natives behave!               
Strength and truth keep the                            
Brave ones brave!                                           
Hana Mana Ganda!      

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